Select year

Year of the Dragon

Guardian of coast and town

April - Sue

The beautiful Laugharne Castle rising at the edge of the coast, at the mouth of the River Taf - a most romantic location with the town nestled behind the castle. Its origins are believed to be Norman but it has been added to over the centuries since. One of the towers was almost intact and could be climbed to the top from which there was a lovely view. The artist Turner painted a watercolour of the castle from a sketch he did in 1795 . Dylan Thomas (the poet) also had a boathouse nearby. An interesting place altold!
We visited this beautiful castle recently. It sits on the edge of the inlet at the mouth of the River Taf, guarding the coast and the lovely town of Laugharne, origins thought to be Norman from the twelfth century having been added to down the subsequent centuries. I found it to be a very romantic looking castle given the beauty of the location too. Dylan Thomas also had a boathouse nearby (yet to be visited) and the famous artist Turner painted a watercolour of Laugharne Castle, his sketch of it done in 1795 on one of his tours. Well worth a visit!
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